
5 Tricks to Take the Lead and Get What You Want (without being bossy or aggressive) dating pleasure Dec 19, 2023

 If you’re a woman, you may not yet own your feminine assets that make you able to lead people (including men) with grace, humor and ease.  That’s why you ought to keep reading this short article that could change your ability to get what you want, without aggression,...

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Do You Even Need a Man? dating pleasure Dec 12, 2023

You may be wondering, now that you earn your own living, live alone, and own a vibrator, what do I really need a man for?  This, my dear, is a wonderful, exciting and potentially cosmic question that can lead to your cosmic enlightenment.

Let's talk about our needs, wants and desires. ...

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Whatโ€™s Your Take on Pleasure? indulgence pleasure scarcity survival Aug 07, 2023

Does pleasure seem frivolous? Indulgent? After all, isn’t there serious work to do? And what about all the problems of the world, the weather, our workplace and the difficult people around us?  

No, not actually. There is no serious work to be done, although there may be tasks...

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